Answered By: HVCC Librarian
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2022     Views: 64

What is OneSearch?

HVCC's OneSearch provides simple one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media and more.

Screenshot of OneSearch with expanded scopes

Use the dropdown menu in the search box by selecting the magnifier to limit your search to one of the following:
  • Everything

Search almost everything, physical books, e-books, magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles, streaming video, and more! Some databases are not included in OneSearch. Worried you could miss something? Ask a Librarian if you should search in a subject-driven database for additional or more focused results.

  • HVCC Catalog

Search for print and e-books, DVDs, print journals, and other physical items owned by the library.

  • Textbooks on Reserve

Search to see if the library owns copies of your course textbooks. Textbooks are located at the first floor service desk on the main level of the Marvin Library. Books are borrowed for the day and cannot leave the building.

  • SUNY Catalog

Search for books and DVDs available from other SUNY libraries and available through resource sharing.
