Answered By: HVCC Librarian
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2022     Views: 331

How do I print on campus wirelessly from a laptop or from home?

Save your document on your computer.

  1. Go to
  2. From the I am a… menu
  3. Select Student
  4. Select Print Services
  5. Log in using your HVCC username and password
  6. On the left side navigation, select Web Print
  7. Select Submit Job
  8. Next, you will need to select the printer. The top four options are printers in the Marvin Library Learning Commons:
    • prtmgr64B&W Printer – Duplex (virtual) [Black and white double sided]
    • prtmgr64B&W Printer – Single Sided (virtual) [Black and white single sided]
    • prtmgr64\Color Printer - Duplex (virtual) [Color double sided]
    • prtmgr64\Color Printer - Single Sided (virtual) [Color single sided]
  9. Select Print Options and Account Selection. Here you will enter the number of copies
  10. Select Upload Document. Check the file extension for file type. If the extension is not listed, the document will not print. Locate your file and select Open
  11. Select Upload & Complete. The system will update status to “Held in queue”

Go to the print release stations on the upper and lower levels of the Marvin Library Learning Commons. Swipe your ID card or login using your HVCC username and password to print your held document. The document will be held in the printing queue for 24 hours.